Remote Server Services for Your Accounting Firm
Remote server services can assist your accounting firm in being compliant with the recent changes of Basel III and Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Because you are required to implement systematic records of documentation for several years, and with risk of criminal penalties, it is imperative that you have some kind of data backup system in place. Remote server services are being used by hundreds of accounting firms across the United States and Canada to enable them to stay compliant with the various data regulations that are now in place. But are data backup services really a worthwhile investment for accounting firms?
How Do Data Backup Services and Remote Server Services Work?
Remote server services work by backing up all of your accounting firm’s files and data on to a remote server. The system will typically schedule a backup once or twice a day. The backups are usually done at night, when no one is in the office or on the computer systems.
Common Features of Data Backup Services
There are many different possibilities and features available with your remote services provider. Some of the more common ones are:
Data encryption – Your files and data are encrypted before they are transmitted across the internet. Your data should be encrypted to at least 265 bits. Your accounting firm should also have the capability of using your own encryption keys, should you need them. It is worthy to note that you should never send your encryption key over the server.
Network backup – Multiple computer systems and servers can be backed up.
Nonstop & Continuous backup – The data backup service can retain and backup your files on a continuous basis or at a pre-determined time. There are advantages and disadvantages to using these. Most of the remote services tend to use a schedule based system. Large accounting firms usually tend to use continuous backup methods.
File by File Restoration – The capability for individual users to restore files, without tech support from the service provider is another feature with some data backup services. Users are able to search for individual files by name, date, type or tags.
Easy Online Access To Data – Some remote services allow your staff to access the files that have been backed up through Internet Explorer or some other traditional web browser.
Compression Of Data – Files and data is usually compressed using a special algorithm.
Usage of Bandwidth – You have the option to use more or less bandwidth by changing certain settings.
Multiple Versions – The service provides multiple versions of a particular file that can be used to roll back or find a restoration point in case of emergencies.
Advantages of Remote Server Services
There are many advantages to using remote services. One of the key advantages to using this is that all your files and data is going to be stored on a server that is off-site from your accounting firm. That means if there are any crashes, black outs, or viruses that may hit your system, you can rest assured that all of your data has been recorded and backed up properly.
While traditional backup measures require an extra IT department, more staff to be hired and bulky tapes and CDs. The remote server services provider can instantly backup all your data within minutes, quickly and easily. In addition, you can enjoy unlimited data retention. Do you want to back up your files for the next five, ten or fifteen years? It does not matter with unlimited data backup services. Your backup services are automatic, so there is never any interruption in work place productivity. All files are backed up instantly and your staff can continue to work on what’s important.
So, the question is, can you afford not to use a remote services provider? The data regulations are extensive and tedious. The risks are high, if you cut corners or take the subject lightly. According to the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, principal officers of public companies are held individually accountable for compliance with the act. Negligence can end up with criminal charges and prison time. You can rest easy by implementing the services of a data backup services provider, knowing that all your company’s data is being safely backed up at regular intervals.