Should I Choose Virtualization of My Server Disaster Recovery Plan For My Legal Office?
Are you considering the virtualization of your server disaster recovery plan? If so, you may want to read on, as you can find out if this is the right option for you. James is a personal injury attorney. He has been in business for over 25 years, and has a fine reputation as a personal injury attorney. He has worked with many high profile clients, including Hollywood musicians and sports celebrities.
Things were going very well for him until one day staff came into the office, only to find every computer displaying a black screen. No matter what was tried, all the systems were wiped out. Later, it was found to be a virus that had been emailed in an attachment to an employee.
The person who sent the email was not aware that their system had a virus and that it was attaching itself to everything that was being emailed. Needless to say, because of not having used virtualization or even a traditional server disaster recovery plan, James’ law office did not survive the ordeal. Important and confidential client information was leaked, and that cost James his business.
Server disaster recovery is the procedure used to preparing your law office in the event of a disaster. The main goal behind this is to implement a system of continuation of technology infrastructures that are critical to your law office in the event of a natural or human-induced disaster. Businesses of all sizes are becoming further dependent on the continuous availability of IT systems, especially with the rapid growth of the Internet. Many law offices are setting an objective of 99.9999% availability of their critical systems. This has contributed too much further growth of virtualization of server disaster recovery industries.
When dealing with virtualization of server disaster recovery systems, there are three different types of measures that can be included when it comes to your recovery plan. These are preventive measures, detective measures, and corrective measures. These should always be tested on a regular basis and also documented regularly.
Virtualization of your server disaster recovery systems means that an exact image of all of your data will be taken and then stored on virtual server or a logical partition. This eliminates the need to purchase an entire separate computer and server system. It also gets rid of having to hire employees to set and configure this system. With virtualization, you won’t need an extra floor to house the system in. Everything will be virtual. You will be able to run up to 15 different applications on the same server, as opposed to having to use a separate server for each application.
As you can see, making your disaster recovery virtual can not only save you time and effort, but it can also dramatically affect your IT budget for the better. Since there is no extra hardware costs associated, you also save a lot of office space. Virtualization of your server disaster recovery is not only the smart thing to do; it is also the best thing a law office can do.